Starting Your Day Right: Rise Up!


The way you start your day can set the tone for everything that follows. Just as physical exercise can energize your body, emotional exercises can invigorate your mind and spirit, preparing you for a successful and fulfilling day. Incorporating morning emotional exercises into your routine can help you manage stress, boost your mood, and enhance your overall well-being. Here’s how you can start your day right with simple yet powerful emotional exercises.

1. Practice Gratitude

Why it works: Gratitude has been shown to improve mental health by enhancing positive emotions and reducing negative ones. Starting your day with gratitude can shift your focus from what you lack to what you have, fostering a sense of contentment and joy.

How to do it:

  • Gratitude Journal: Keep a journal by your bedside. Each morning, write down three things you’re grateful for. These can be as simple as the warmth of your bed, the support of a loved one, or the beauty of nature.
  • Gratitude Meditation: Spend a few minutes in quiet reflection, focusing on the people, experiences, and things you appreciate. Visualize these blessings and allow yourself to feel thankful.

2. Set Positive Intentions

Why it works: Setting positive intentions helps you focus your energy and attention on what you want to achieve, rather than what you want to avoid. This proactive approach can increase motivation and positivity throughout the day.

How to do it:

  • Positive Affirmations: Repeat positive affirmations that resonate with your goals and values. For example, “I am capable and confident,” or “Today, I will spread kindness.”
  • Daily Goals: Write down one or two specific, achievable goals for the day. These should align with your broader aspirations and give you a sense of purpose.

3. Engage in Mindfulness

Why it works: Mindfulness helps you stay present and fully engaged in the moment, reducing anxiety about the future and rumination about the past. This practice can enhance your emotional regulation and overall mental clarity.

How to do it:

  • Mindful Breathing: Spend a few minutes focusing on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold for a count of three, and exhale slowly through your mouth. This exercise calms the mind and prepares you for the day ahead.
  • Body Scan: Perform a quick body scan meditation, starting from your toes and moving up to your head. Notice any areas of tension and consciously relax them.

4. Visualize Success

Why it works: Visualization techniques can enhance your confidence and prepare your mind for positive outcomes. By imagining success, you can mentally rehearse the steps needed to achieve your goals, making them feel more attainable.

How to do it:

  • Visualize Your Day: Take a few minutes to visualize your day going well. Picture yourself handling challenges with ease, achieving your goals, and ending the day feeling satisfied.
  • Future Success: Imagine a long-term goal you are working towards. Visualize the steps you will take and the eventual success you will achieve. Feel the emotions associated with that success.

5. Physical Exercise with Emotional Focus

Why it works: Physical activity releases endorphins, which improve mood and reduce stress. Combining physical exercise with an emotional focus can enhance these benefits, creating a holistic approach to well-being.

How to do it:

  • Morning Stretching: As you stretch, focus on the positive emotions you want to cultivate for the day. For example, think of flexibility and openness as you stretch your muscles.
  • Walking Meditation: Go for a walk and practice mindfulness by paying attention to your surroundings, the sensations in your body, and your breath. Use this time to set positive intentions and reflect on what you are grateful for.

6. Connect with Loved Ones

Why it works: Social connections are a key component of emotional well-being. Starting your day by connecting with loved ones can provide emotional support and foster a sense of belonging and happiness.

How to do it:

  • Morning Check-In: Spend a few minutes talking to a family member or friend. Share your plans for the day and offer words of encouragement.
  • Send a Positive Message: Send a quick text or email to someone you care about, expressing appreciation or sharing a positive thought.


Incorporating these morning emotional exercises into your routine can set a positive tone for the entire day. By practicing gratitude, setting positive intentions, engaging in mindfulness, visualizing success, combining physical exercise with emotional focus, and connecting with loved ones, you can start your day with a mindset that promotes emotional resilience and well-being.

Remember, the way you begin your day can influence everything that follows. Take a few moments each morning to focus on your emotional health, and watch how it transforms your life. Start your day right, and never have another bad day!

About the Author

Dr. Drew Gold is an Associate Professor of Management at Saint Leo University and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina.  His areas of expertise include technology and innovation management, research methods and statistics, strategic management, and personal and professional development.  He has spent over a decade developing his concept of Emotional Dexterity, which is reflected in his forthcoming book “Beyond Emotional Intelligence: Never Have Another Bad Day!” 

Dr. Gold is married and lives with his wife and two crazy cats in Tampa, Florida. He loves to travel and is a master scuba diver trainer and loves college sports, especially his Ohio State Buckeyes!  O-H- 

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