Exercise Challenge: Learn to Identify and Recognize Your Emotions


Understanding your emotions is a cornerstone of emotional and personal well-being. Being able to identify and recognize your emotions allows you to manage them effectively and craft more productive responses, leading to improved mental health, better decision-making, and stronger relationships. This week, we challenge you to embark on a journey of self-discovery through a simple yet transformative exercise that will help you identify and recognize your emotions.

Why Identifying and Recognizing Emotions Matters

Identifying and recognizing your emotions is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Improved Emotional Regulation: By understanding your emotions, you can learn to manage them more effectively, reducing the risk of emotional outbursts or prolonged negative feelings.
  2. Enhanced Awareness: Recognizing your emotions increases your awareness, which is key to personal growth and development.
  3. Better Relationships: Understanding your own emotions helps you empathize with others, leading to more meaningful and supportive relationships.
  4. Informed Decision-Making: Being aware of your emotional state can help you make more rational and informed decisions, rather than reacting impulsively based on temporary feelings.

The Challenge: Identify and Recognize Your Emotions

This exercise is designed to be practiced daily over the course of a week. Each day, you will spend a few minutes reflecting on your emotions and recording your observations. Here’s how to get started:

Day 1: Emotion Check-In

Objective: To start recognizing and labeling your emotions.

  1. Set Aside Time: Find a quiet moment in the morning or evening to sit down with a journal.
  2. Reflect: Think about the events of the day and how they made you feel.
  3. Identify Emotions: Write down at least three emotions you experienced. Try to be specific (e.g., instead of just saying "happy," use terms like "content," "excited," or "joyful"). Here are a couple sites that have large lists of emotions to help you through this process: The Emotions Wheel (start at the middle and work your way out), A list of more than 400 words that convey emotions.
  4. Consider Triggers: Note what triggered each emotion. Was it a person, an event, or a thought?


  • Emotion: Frustration
  • Trigger: Traffic jam on the way to work

Day 2: Body and Emotion Connection

Objective: To understand how emotions manifest physically.

  1. Reflect: Recall an emotional moment from your day.
  2. Identify Physical Reactions: Pay attention to your body’s responses. Did you feel a tightening in your chest, a headache, or a burst of energy?
  3. Record: Write down the emotion, the trigger, and the physical reaction.


  • Emotion: Anxiety
  • Trigger: Upcoming presentation
  • Physical Reaction: Tightness in the chest

Day 3: Mood Mapping

Objective: To track your mood fluctuations throughout the day.

  1. Create a Mood Map: Divide your day into four parts: morning, afternoon, evening, and night.
  2. Check In Regularly: At the end of each period, note how you felt.
  3. Identify Patterns: Look for patterns or triggers that might explain your mood changes.


  • Morning: Calm (Trigger: Quiet time alone)
  • Afternoon: Stressed (Trigger: Work deadline)

Day 4: Emotional Vocabulary Expansion

Objective: To expand your emotional vocabulary.

  1. List Emotions: Write down all the emotions you can think of.
  2. Research New Terms: Look up new emotions you’ve heard of but don’t fully understand.
  3. Use New Terms: Try to use these new terms when describing your emotions throughout the day.


  • Emotion: Melancholy
  • New Term: Nostalgia

Day 5: Emotional Triggers Journal

Objective: To identify consistent emotional triggers.

  1. Review Your Week: Look back at your notes from the past four days.
  2. Identify Triggers: Write down common triggers for different emotions.
  3. Analyze: Consider why these triggers affect you and how you might manage them better.


  • Trigger: Critical feedback
  • Emotion: Insecurity

Day 6: Mindfulness and Emotions

Objective: To practice mindfulness in recognizing emotions.

  1. Find a Quiet Place: Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
  2. Focus on Breathing: Take deep breaths and focus on your breath.
  3. Observe Emotions: Notice any emotions that arise without judging them.
  4. Journal: Write down what you noticed.


  • Observed Emotion: Irritation
  • Trigger: Loud noises

Day 7: Reflection and Goal Setting

Objective: To reflect on your progress and set goals for future emotional awareness.

  1. Review Your Week: Go through your journal entries.
  2. Reflect on Progress: Consider what you’ve learned about your emotions and triggers.
  3. Set Goals: Write down one or two goals for continuing to practice emotional identification and recognition.


  • Goal: To practice deep breathing whenever feeling anxious


By dedicating a week to identifying and recognizing your emotions, you can gain greater self-awareness and emotional intelligence. This exercise helps you understand the intricate relationship between your emotions, thoughts, and physical reactions, setting the foundation for improved emotional regulation and personal growth. Keep practicing these skills, and you’ll find that managing your emotions becomes more intuitive and effective over time.

Embrace this challenge and start your journey towards a more emotionally aware and fulfilling life!

About the Author

Dr. Drew Gold is an Associate Professor of Management at Saint Leo University and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina.  His areas of expertise include technology and innovation management, research methods and statistics, strategic management, and personal and professional development.  He has spent over a decade developing his concept of Emotional Dexterity, which is reflected in his forthcoming book “Beyond Emotional Intelligence: Never Have Another Bad Day!” 

Dr. Gold is married and lives with his wife and two crazy cats in Tampa, Florida. He loves to travel and is a master scuba diver trainer and loves college sports, especially his Ohio State Buckeyes!  O-H- 

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Website – www.getbeyondeq.com (under construction) 

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